Covid-19 Info

We have a few extra things we need to take into consideration this season. This page will detail the latest COVID-19 safety information and rules here on this page.

Covid-19 info for the 2021-22 Season

NLASC is and will always be a fully-inclusive club, however the current restrictions require us to operate in the following way for the time being.

The following measures from our Covid safety plan are in place.

PRIOR to 1st December 2021

(or as advised by NSW Government)

  • Members will need to show their vaccine passport (paper or phone) on their first swim of the season
  • We will have our own QR code (linked to service NSW) displayed for members to ‘check in’ upon arrival
  • QR check-in will be mandatory and will be checked by Covid Marshall on arrival to clubhouse for swim race entry
  • Unvaccinated under 15yrs can attend if accompanied by a double vaccinated adult
  • Links to information regarding our covid safety plan will be available on website
  • Masks must be worn on entry into clubhouse (spare masks will be available by club)
  • Hand sanitiser will be available at entry and exit doors
  • Signage/notices will be displayed at clubhouse with relevant safety information
  • Entry to clubhouse for race registration will once again be done via entry through western door and exit via eastern door
  • 1 family at a time to enter clubhouse
  • 1 member will operate computer for swim race entry and 1 member ensuring social distancing and monitoring entry into clubhouse
  • 1 member to enter equipment room at a time to obtain lane ropes etc
  • As many windows as possible will be opened in clubhouse for race registration
  • Besides QR code a log will also be maintained with swimmer attendees
  • All equipment will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes before, during & after races
  • Please be aware of social distancing on boardwalk and pool deck
  • Covid Marshall position will be nominated on the day; this person will ensure the above are adhered to (covid marshall jacket will remain in our club room)

Post 1st December 2021

Under current NSW Govt. Health Orders the following measures- after 1ST DECEMBER 2021- will take place:

  • All members can return, regardless of vaccination status
  • Sighting of vaccine passports is abolished
  • QR check in remains mandatory (unless ceased by the NSW Govt)
  • Masks not required
  • Measures are subject to change depending on NSW Government Health Orders.

Please do not come to swimming if:

  • You have any cold/flu like symptoms.
  • You or a member of your household are awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test
  • You visited any of the venues of concern listed on the NSW Health website in the designated time periods –
  • Ensure you follow the guidance in relation to close or Casual contact locations
  • You are defined as a ‘vulnerable person’ or simple feel uncomfortable to attend due to the pandemic
  • If you or another member of your household return a positive COVID-19 test and you have been in attendance at NLASC in the last 14 days you must notify the club as soon as manageable.